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UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University MBA Admission 2012-2013 Fee Eligibility Syllabus

MBA UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University 2012-2013 Admission | MBA Fee | MBA EligibilityUttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University is one of the open university based in Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) offers various distance learning courses including MCA and MBA. Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University (UPRTOU) Provide access to higher education for large segment of the population, and in particular, the disadvantaged groups such as those living in remote and rural areas including working people, house-wives and other adults who wish to upgrade or acquire knowledge through studies in various fields. All courses are approved by joint committee UGC-AICTE-DEC. Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University (UPRTOU) offers MBA degree program through distance learning, the details of the course...

Annamalai MBA Distance Learning Entrance Exam 2012 Fee Admission process

Annamalai MBA Distance Learning Entrance Exam 2012 Fee Admission process EligibilityAnnamalai University Distance Learning MBA: Annamalai University was established in 1929 and it's located in Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India. The university provides around 380 courses under distance mode. The Directorate of Distance Education (DDE) of Annamalai University aims at offering education to those people who are unable to attend the campus but who desire to study. The Directorate of Distance Education is offering the Programmes on Fashion Design, Textile Design, Interior Design, Hotel Management and Catering Technology Programmes, Retail Management, Twinning Programme, Programmes on Health Science, Commonwealth Youth Programme, Yoga, Music, Fire and Safety, Pharmaceutical...

VMOU MBA 2012-2013 Entrance Fee Admission process

Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU) Kota MBA 2012-2013 Entrance Exam, Fee, Syllabus, Admission processVardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU) Kota, Or previously known as Kota university was established in 1987. VMOU is a pioneering institution for open learning in Rajasthan. VMOU Study Centers are located all over Rajasthan.VMOU is having an extensive network of 6 Regional Centers (Ajmer, Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota and Udaipur) and 65 Study Centers in the state for student support services. VMOU Study Centers are located in 52 towns and cities in Rajasthan. Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University (VMOU) offers many different programs includes Bachelor Degree Programmes, Certificate Programmes, Diploma Programmes,  Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.), Management Programmes, Master Degree...

MD University Distance Learning MBA 2012-2013 Fee Admission Process Syllabus

MD University, Rohtak Distance Learning MBA program Fee, MBA Admission Process, MBA SyllabusMD University is one of the most recognized university in India, The university is based in Rohtak, Haryana. Distance learning programs offered by this university are wide and well known. The university is having is Distance Learning centers all over India.Out of 24 programmes being offered by DDE, 15 are leading to Postgraduate degree, 7 courses for Bachelors degree, 2 course is P.G. Diploma. Besides, other courses DDE have Master in Computer Application (MCA), Master in Business Administration courses as well through Distance Mode. MBA Programs Offered by MD University, Rohtak MD University offers 2 Management programs under it's distance learning mode. Some one download the prospectus from the following...

Osmania University Distance Learning MBA program Fee, Eligibility Criteria, Admission process, Syllabus

Osmania University Distance Learning MBA program Fee, Eligibility Criteria, Admission process, SyllabusThe Osmania University, established in 1918, is the seventh oldest in the country, third oldest in South India and the first to be established in the princely State of Hyderabad. The university has been Accredited with A ***** by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council in 2001.Along with many other courses like MCA, MCC, UG Courses, PG courses, Bio-Informatics, PG Diplomas, Osmania university offers Distance Learning MBA program.The duration of the Distance learning MBA program is 3 years. Eligibility For Osmania university Distance Learning MBA programA candidate should qualify ICET (Integrated Common Entrance Test for MBA/MCA) A pass at (10+2) / Intermediate need not be insisted (i)...

Karnataka State Open University KSOU MBA Program Admission Process Fee

How to apply for KSOU MBA program, KSOU Distance Learning MBA Fee, KSOU MBA admission process, KSOU MBA 2011-2012Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) known for it's higher education programs through Open-distance learning system (ODL),Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) is located in Mysore. The University having a strong genesis of the Institute of Correspondence Course and Continuing Course and Continuing Education (ICC&CE), a pioneer in the Asian continent, was established in 1996 under the state enactment – KSOU Act 1992. Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) is recognized by following organizations The Distance Education Council (DEC) New Delhi, Regular member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), Delhi, Permanent member of Association of Commonwealth Universities...

How To Take Admission In IIM Distance Learning MBA Program

How To Take Admission In IIM Distance Learning MBA Program | IIM Distance Learning MBA Selection Process | IIM Distance Learning MBA FeeIIM's The most reputed institutes in India provides Management Education. Recently IIM's started offering Distance Learning MBA programs to working professional, currently IIM-Bangalore, IIM-Kozhikode, IIM-Lucknow, IIM-Calcutta etc are providing Distance Learning MBA program. since they have started offering Distance Learning MBA courses, Executives are showing a good response towards the program. Lots of people  usually ask me about the procedure to take admission in IIM-Distance Learning programs, today in my this post i'll discuss the procedure to take admission in IIM Distance Learning MBA program and Fee Structure. The eligibility criteria and selection...

NIMIMS Distance Learning MBA 2011-2012 Admission Procedure Fee Structure

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies- NIMIMS Distance Learning MBA Program- Admission Procedure- Fee Structure -Eligibility Criteria - SyllabusNIMIMS is amongst the nation’s prime educational and research institutions. NIMIMS distance learning MBA programs is one of the most preferred Distance Learning MBA program in India. NIMIMS school of distance learning (SDL) prepares students to become a global leader in the field of management. Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NIMIMS) ranks amongst the Top 10 Distance Learning MBA Colleges in India. All of the programs offered by SDL are approved by Distance Education council  (DEC), IGNOU, (New Delhi) Govt Of India. Currently NIMIMS-SDL offering 14 programs to the students and working professionals.Registrations...

Amity Distance learning MBA | Admission Procedure | Fee | Review | Syllabus

Amity Distance learning MBA 2011-2012 | Admission Procedure | Fee | Review | Syllabus Amity School of distance learning (ASoDL) is a six years old institute providing distance learning education to students. As per the ASoDL website, the Amity ranks No.1 in providing distance learning programs in India.excellent quality of course material, faculty, delivery methodology and student support services made this institution No.1 among the the all distance learning institutes. Amity School of distance learning is a member of various international distance learning associations like European Distance and E-learning Network Open and Distance Leaning Association of Australia American Council of Education Distance Learning Association of Canada Amity School of distance learning is also having tie ups...

IMT Distance Learning MBA, Admission Procedure, Fee Structure, Review

IMT Distance Learning MBA 2011-2012 | Admission Procedure | Fee Structure | ReviewIMT Ghaziabad is one of the most reputed MBA college in India, IMT offers a distance learning MBA program through IMT- Center for Distance Learning.The Distance Learning MBA program offered by IMT-Center for distance learning is one of the most preferred Distance Learning MBA program in INDIA. IMT-CDL is recognised by Distance Education Council, Government of India. IMT-CDL offers various distance learning management programs to students and working professionals. In our this post we'll share the information about various management programs offered by IMT-CDL, Admission process, Fee. List of MBA (Management) Programs offered by IMT Ghaziabad1) PGDM-Post Graduate Diploma in ManagementDuration:...

Symbiosis Distance Learning MBA program | Admission Procedure FEE 2011-2012

Symbiosis Distance Learning MBA program | Admission Procedure 2011-2012| Symbiosis Distance MBA program Fee | SNAP 2011-2012 Symbiosis distance learning MBA program is one of the most reputed distance learning MBA program in India. The Distance Learning MBA program is offered by Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL). Symbiosis distance learning MBA program is very popular among the working professionals in India because being a Distance learning program it retain it's quality. Symbiosis distance learning MBA program is one of the Top5 distance learning MBA program in India. SDLC is having in–house Academics team and over 400 visiting faculty / subject matter experts.SCDL introduces new and innovative programmes each year in line with the current market trends, making it one of the...

Top 10 Online MBA Programs Provided by Online Universities, Admission Procedure, Fee

TOP 10 Online MBA Programs | TOP 10 Online Universities | TOP 10 Online MBA CollegesIn this technology freaky 21st century where everything runs online then why not an Online MBA Program. As the world is changing universities has also got changed, now almost all worlds top MBA Universities are offering Online MBA programs to the students from all over the globe. people are running after Online Universities because it has been seen as per the report of GMAT that salary hikes upto 50% if some gains an MBA degree. For our blog visitors today we're listing Top 10 Online MBA colleges/universities which are Offering Online MBA programs and the procedure to take Admission in online MBA programs. Top 10 Online Universities Offering Online MBA Degree programsUniversity of Phoenix Walden University Kaplan...

How to take admission in IGNOU MBA program

How to take admission in IGNOU MBA program | Admission Procedure , Eligibility Criteria , Fee, IGNOU Open MAT for IGNOU Distance Learning MBA programIndian Economy is booming, simultaneously opportunities in Business management is also increasing in India. to in cash these opportunities lots of people are opting Distance Learning MBA programs as an option to do further studies. Indra Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is the most preferred open university in India among the students. In my todays post i'll discuss the procedure for taking admission at IGNOU in an Distance learning MBA program. IGNOU is the best open university in India that provides Distance Learning MBA program.     Admission Procedure for taking admission in IGNOU MBA Program 1. Graduation...

TOP Open Universities in India Providing MBA distance learning program

Top Open universities in India for MBA Program | List of Top 5 Open Universities in India for MBA degree courseMBA is most preferred distance learning program in India among the working professional and students who wants to do the distance learning. Taking admission in regular MBA program is getting difficult day by day in good MBA college as the competition is increasing because of this students are preferring to pursue a Distance learning MBA program. Today open universities are offering programs like Bachelor’s degree programs, Master’s Degree programs, Diploma programs, PG diploma programs, Certificate programs and Doctoral programs To help the students we're listing TOP 5 Open Universities for MBA in India. Find below the list of Best Open universities in India. 1)...

Top Executive MBA (EMBA) Programs

Top Executive MBA Programs (EMBA) in India for working professionals Trend of doing Executive MBA (EMBA) program is increasing day by day in India. Lots of working professionals are enrolling for Top EMBA distance learning programs in India. Doing an Executive MBA Degree program gives a career boost to working professional, most of the good companies has also started to sponsor a Online Executive MBA programs to enhance their managerial skills. There could be several reasons for executives to join an executive MBA programs, some anticipate a promotion by doing an EMBA program whereas others wants to enhance their managerial skills. keeping this in mind many top level Management Institutions of the country has started off offering EMBA- Executive MBA programs to the working professional....

Top MBA Colleges, B-Schools, Management institutes India

Top MBA Colleges, Best Management Institutes, B-Schools in IndiaIn India, Number of students who are opting business management as a career option is increasing day by day so as the  competition to join the Top MBA College in India is also  increasing. Keeping this in mind lots of new Management colleges are cropping up everywhere and offering MBA Programs in India. It has become very difficult for the students to decide which MBA college to join as most of the MBA Colleges are claiming that they are No.1 in India. To make this simple we've mentioned below the List of Top 20 Business schools in india, which are offering Best MBA programs in India. Since their inceptions  IIM's has been most popular among the students and surely they are among Top Management Colleges in India. Apart...

Top MBA Distance Learning Institutes India

List of Top Universities/Institutes offering Distance learning MBA Program in India Management Degree has become the most preferred degree program among the youth, Students are opting Business Management as the most preferred career option. Most of the universities are already offering Regular and distance learning MBA programs (Correspondence MBA Degree Programs) and some of them just have started off offering a Distance Learning MBA program in India.Open universities like  IGNOU, DUSOL, KSOU, NSOU, VMOU etc are offering Distance learning programs since very long time, Now many reputed MBA Institutes like IIM's, Symbiosis, AMITY, IMT, ICFAI, NMIMS etc has started Offering management degree program under distance learning system. To help you choose the...

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